
Identifying Incurred Risks and Missed Opportunities, Enhancing Tax Compliance

Special Tax Audit

Special tax audit is conducted to identify existing tax risks of businesses, enhance tax compliance, and determine the extent to which they benefit from tax deductions and exemptions. This audit allows businesses to foresee potential issues they may encounter during an actual tax investigation, thereby preparing them effectively in advance.

The cost of a special tax audit is significantly lower than that of a real tax investigation. Through these audits, businesses can rectify past tax risks by submitting declarations with regret, thus avoiding penalties. Additionally, they can improve their future tax compliance levels and start benefiting from unnoticed tax deductions and advantages. For instance, there are still manufacturing and exporting businesses that do not take advantage of the reduced corporate tax rate.

For businesses that do not already receive substantial tax consultancy services, it is recommended to obtain special tax audit services. The identified risk magnitude and missed advantage amounts will undoubtedly exceed the cost of the service.

By undergoing a special tax audit, businesses can:

  • Identify and mitigate existing tax risks before facing a real tax inspection.
  • Improve their tax compliance for the future.
  • Start utilizing overlooked tax deductions and advantages.
  • Avoid penalties by correcting past mistakes through voluntary declarations.

Overall, the value of the insights and corrections obtained from a special tax audit far outweighs the cost, making it a highly beneficial investment for any business.