
Methods, and importance of the company valuation

Company Valuation

When a company is subject to partial or complete sale, or when its shares need to be individually valued, accurately determining the fair market value of the business is of great importance to both parties. Therefore, it is essential to apply valuation techniques that are appropriate to the sector in which the business operates and the market conditions. The most commonly used company valuation methods are as follows:

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis: This valuation is conducted by discounting the company's future cash flows to their present value.

Multiples Analysis: This valuation is carried out using the financial multiples of similar companies.

Liquidation Value: This method is based on the value that would be obtained if the company's assets were liquidated.

Both the seller and the buyer aim to determine the most accurate value of the target company during the sale and purchase process. Particularly in determining the discounted cash flow value, it is important that future projections are realistic and that factors affecting the price are accurately identified.

For more information on company valuation, please contact us.


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